Concerns and Complaints

Student Complaints or Grievances

Student Complaints

Students who have grievances with actions, decisions, and/or processes at Camden County College are afforded formal means for registering those complaints and for their complaints to be deliberated and acted upon by college officials. The Student Complaint Reporting process is designed to help assure our students a quality education, provide excellent student support services, and help the College identify any serious or systemic problems or issues affecting a student or the quality of student life. The principles and procedures are intended to help Camden County College identify patterns of conduct that raise a legitimate concern with respect to the College*s academic and non-academic offices and programs, and to comply with obligations set forth by federal regulations for receiving, responding to and tracking student complaints/concerns.

Camden County College is committed to treating all students fairly and respectfully. The College*s policies that apply to students are published annually in the College Catalog and College Student Handbook and in the Student Code of Conduct, in addition to those found in other resources from individual departments and offices. In any instance of perceived violation of a College policy, a student may file a complaint in accordance with this process.

When a student encounters a problem on campus that he/she does not know how to resolve, he/she should whenever possible address the problem by discussing it with those involved. Dealing with concerns in the most direct and honest fashion should always be the first step toward resolution. Many problems are resolved when a student makes an appointment with a faculty or staff member and calmly and honestly communicates their concerns.

If however, an issue or problem still exists, a student may initiate the formal complaint procedures at Camden County College. Details on specific types of complaints and related complaint policies and procedures are provided below.

Follow link to the Concerns/Complaint Form to begin the process.

Addressing Academic Concerns and Appeals

Students who have a concern or grievance regarding a faculty member or academic administrator involving an evaluation of their academic work (typically a grade given for an assignment or a final term grade) or a related academic concern can participate in the formal appeal process. This policy is printed in the Final Grade Appeals section on page 44 of the Student Handbook.

Non-Academic Grievances

The following grievance procedure, accessed via the College Catalog and student handbook, is available to students who feel they have not received fair treatment with respect to services provided by the College, outside of the classroom. The Executive Dean of Enrollment and Student Services advocates for student needs and provides student support and coordination of programs to help cultivate and develop student success, wellness and personal growth while attending Camden County College.

The Office of the Executive Dean of Enrollment and Student Services is located in Taft Hall 302 at the Blackwood Campus. If you have complaints, concerns or grievances related to 
non-academic issues, this office is here to assist you. Contact (856) 374-5088 for assistance at the Blackwood or RETC campuses. You may also go the Enrollment counter at the Rohrer Campus or Advisement Center CTC 207 on the Camden campus for assistance.

Complete records of such grievances, and records of their disposition, are maintained by the Office of Executive Dean of Enrollment and Student Services.

Student Conduct

Students are most commonly referred to the Office of the Assistant Dean for Student Development to document a complaint involving the Student Code of Conduct.

The term “Complaining Party” refers to any person or entity who submits an accusation that a Student violated the Code of Conduct. When a Student believes that he/she has been a victim of another Student’s misconduct, the Student who believes he/she has been a victim will have the same rights under this Code as are provided to the Complaining Party, even if another member of the College community submitted the charge itself.

Once a student complaint is filed, if a determination is made that a student will be charged with a policy violation, the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development will facilitate the hearing process. All documentation of student complaints entered through the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development are recorded in the on-line database system, and these electronic records are maintained for at least the required 3-year period of records.

Bias Incident Response Protocol

All incidents which would be determined bias-related or motivated will also be referred to the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development, which includes a public, electronic record of situation resolution.

Sexual Assault Policy

Specific information is provided for students regarding options for reporting sexual crimes in the student handbook as well as in the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Development. This office maintains internal logs to record and track complaints pursuant to the college Sexual Assault Policy and in accordance with applicable laws.


A college in a free society must be devoted to the pursuit of truth and knowledge through reason and open communication among its members. Academic communities acknowledge the necessity of being intellectually stimulating where the diversity of ideas is valued.  Its rules must be conceived for the purpose of furthering and protecting the rights of all members of the college community in achieving this end. The boundaries of personal freedom are limited by applicable state and federal laws and institutional rules and regulations governing interpersonal behavior. In creating a community free from violence, sexual assault, and nonconsensual sexual contact, the respect for all individuals and human dignity are of paramount importance.

The State of New Jersey recognizes that the impact of violence on its victims and the surrounding community can be severe and long lasting. Thus, it has established this Bill of Rights to articulate requirements for policies, procedures and services designed to ensure that the needs of victims are met and that the colleges and universities in New Jersey create and maintain communities that support human dignity.


The following rights shall be accorded to victims of sexual assault that occur: on the campus of any public or independent institution of higher education in the state of New Jersey; where the victim or alleged perpetrator is a student at that institution; and/or when the victim is a student involved in an off-campus sexual assault:

Human Dignity Rights

  • to have allegations of sexual assault treated seriously;
  • to be treated with dignity;
  •  to be free from any suggestion that
    • victims are responsible for the commission of crimes against them;
    • victims were contributory, negligent or assumed the risk of being assaulted;
    • victims must report the crimes to be assured of any other right guaranteed under this policy;
    •  victims should refrain from reporting crimes in order to avoid unwanted personal publicity;
  • to be free from any pressure from campus personnel to
    • report crimes if the victim does not wish to do so;
    • report crimes as lesser offenses than the victim perceives the crimes to be; and
    • refrain from reporting crimes.

Rights to Resources On and Off Campus

  • to be notified of existing campus and community-based medical, counseling, mental health and student services for victims of sexual assault, whether or not the crime is formally reported to campus or civil authorities;
  •  to have access to campus counseling under the same terms and conditions as apply to any other students in their institution seeking such counseling; and 
  •  to be informed of, and assisted in exercising any rights to  confidential or anonymous testing for sexually transmitted diseases, human immunodeficiency virus and/or pregnancy and any rights that may be provided by law to compel and disclose the results of testing of sexual assault suspects for communicable diseases.

Campus Judicial Rights

  •  to be afforded the same access to legal assistance as the accused;
  •  to be afforded the same opportunity to have others present during any campus disciplinary proceeding that is allowed the accused; and 
  • to be notified of the outcome of the sexual assault disciplinary proceeding against the accused.

Legal Rights

  • to have any allegation of sexual assault investigated and adjudicated by the appropriate  criminal and civil authorities of the jurisdiction in which the sexual assault is reported.
  • to receive full and prompt cooperation and assistance of campus personnel with regard to obtaining, securing and maintaining evidence, including a medical examination when it is necessary to preserve evidence of the assault.

Campus Intervention Rights

  • to require campus personnel to take reasonable and necessary actions to prevent further unwanted contact of victims by their alleged assailants. 
  • to be notified of the options for and provided assistance in changing academic and living situations if such changes are reasonably available.

Statutory Mandates

The College must guarantee that this Bill of Rights is implemented. It is the obligation of the individual campus governing board to examine resources dedicated to services required and to make appropriate requests to increase or reallocate resources where necessary to ensure implementation.

The College shall make every necessary effort to ensure that every student at that institution receives a copy of the Campus Sexual Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights. Nothing in this Campus Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights developed in accordance with the provisions shall be construed to preclude or in any way restrict the College from reporting any suspected crime or offense to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

For more information about the Campus Assault Victim’s Bill of Rights, contact one of the following offices:

Blackwood Campus, Community Center
Emergency……… (856) 374-5089
Public Safety……. (856) 227-7200, ext. 4288

The Department of Public Safety is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. (The William G. Rohrer Center is staffed only during the open hours). There are direct emergency phones located at each campus that are clearly identified and can be called from any extension by dialing 7777 at Blackwood; 1393 at Camden; and 6666 at Rohrer. 

Camden City Campus, Camden Technology Center Lobby
Emergency……….(856) 965-1393
Public Safety…….(856) 227-7200, ext. 1393

William G. Rohrer Center (Cherry Hill), First Floor
Emergency………(856) 874-6057
Public Safety…….(856) 874-6057

Registering a Complaint with the Accrediting Body

Camden County College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education. Details about the College’s Middle States accreditation can be found here. 

Registering a Complaint with Office of Secretary of Higher Education of NJ

Complaints about the college may be filed with the Middle States. Information about The State of New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education complaint process can be found here.

In accordance with federal law (see 34 C.F.R., Section 600.9), Camden County College  identifies the processes by which students may file complaints about the college  with each U.S. state governing board or commission that governs college  educational activity. A list of appropriate state boards/commissions, as well as contact information and links to pertinent websites, is provided below.

New Jersey
State of New Jersey
PO Box 542
Trenton, NJ 08625

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